Pit the Plumbs by slicing and then dig the pit out, it is okay if the plums get a little squashed, they will be blended later.
Put the plums in a sauce pan with the water, simmer for 5-7 minutes.
Add 3 TBS to a small bowl or ramikin, add the gelatin, stir the gelatin so their are no big clumps, and allow about 3-5 minutes for the gelatin to soften.
Carefully add the plums, corn syrup, sugar, citric acid, salt , vodka, and bloomed gelatin to the blender, and blend until well combined.
Optional: If you love silky smooth sorbet strain the seeds out of the mixture at this point. If you like seeds and crunch skip the straining.
Freeze in a large plastic container for 4-8 hours.
Remove from freezer, and allow to melt for 20 minutes.
Break into chunks, and blend again. Enjoy or put into freezer.