I love picnics. A blanket, good food, and your favorite people. The beauty of a picnic is that one can find almost any spot, or obliging field with a lovely view and plop oneself down on a blanket. Then proceed to munch on scrumptious food while taking in the beauty of the outdoors.
I live about 15 minutes from the beach. So of course, the beach is one of my favorite places to have a picnic. I love to pack up my beach blanket, my family, and some easy eats into a basket or grocery bag (lets be real. ) and head to the beach. My family and I eat dinner together, then my husband and I watch the kids splash in the water as we relax on the beach. The kids come in from swimming and we all watch sunset. Pink, orange, yellow, and purple streaks into the sky as the sun dips low. We count down as only a tenth of the sun is remaining in the sky…” 4…3…2..1…GONE!” we all yell. We all look hard at the sky above to see if anyone saw the legendary “green flash” just as the sun disappeared. We take a deep breath and breath in the beauty of this moment together…
Yep, picnics are magical. The main thing holding me back most of the time is the prep work for a picnic. However, I am here to help, this Watermelon, Mint and Feta salad with a Lime and Honey dressing is perfect for a picnic. For one, the kids will eat it…unlike a normal green salad. It is healthy and it is so delicious! Watermelon, Mint and Feta salad with a Lime and Honey dressing is made and packs up in about 15 minutes, it only has about 6 ingredients. This sweet, savory, sour, and juicy salad is best eaten outside, the kiddos can drip and drop without any worry of cleaning up messes. I hope I have convinced you, you wont regret making this scrumptious Watermelon, Mint and Feta salad with a Lime and Honey dressing. Enjoy your picnic!

Watermelon and Mint salad with Lime
Watermelon Mint and Feta Salad
- 5 cups Watermelon chopped 1 inch x 1inch pieces (1 medium about 5lb seedless watermelon)
- 1/2 cup Fresh mint (fine chopped)
- 1/4 cup Fresh lime Juice
- 1 tsp Lime zest
Watermelon Mint and Feta Salad
- Chop the watermelon into 1×1 inch pieces, add into a salad bowl. Fine chop fresh mint, it should about 1/2 cup, add to the top of the watermelon.
- Pour Lime and Honey Vinaigrette over the top of the watermelon salad and toss till well coated with dressing.
Lime and Honey Vinaigrette
- In a bowl add lime juice, olive oil, honey, salt and pepper. Whisk together ingredients until they are well combined. Try your vinaigrette, adjust salt and pepper to taste.
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